The Bihar government approved its first film promotion policy on Friday. The policy is aimed at providing full institutional backing, including financial support, to movie makers. The decision was taken during a Cabinet meeting chaired by Chief Minister Nitish Kumar. The proposal came from the state government’s Art, Culture, and Youth department.
Under the new film promotion policy, the entertainment industry of audio-visual medium, including films, are expected get a major boost in the state.
“Bihar has come up with the most updated film policy in the country…film promotion policy will give a new dimension to the talent and identity of Bihar,” state’s Deputy Chief Minister Vijay Kumar Sinha said.
Aim and expected benefits under Bihar’s film promotion policy
The aim of this policy is to promote the film industry in Bihar and to promote filmmaking in different languages of the state. “Film promotion policy is a reflection of the inspiration of our Prime Minister and the thinking of the Chief Minister,” said Vijay Kumar Sinha.
He told news agency PTI, “Our priority is to develop the state into a centre of filmmaking. We wish to encourage film shooting in the state, and in this regard, we have made the process of seeking permissions easier.”
VIDEO | “Our priority is to develop the state into a centre of filmmaking. We wish to encourage film shooting in the state and in this regard, we have made the process of seeking permissions for it easier,” says Bihar Deputy CM Vijay Kumar Sinha (@VijayKrSinhaBih).
— Press Trust of India (@PTI_News) July 19, 2024
(Full video…
Bihar Deputy Chief Minister Vijay Kumar Sinha said the policy made by the Bihar government is very favourable for industrialists. “Under the policy, the Bihar government will buy their products. “It is a big attraction that the government buys the goods of any industry that will be set up here…,” he was quoted by ANI as saying.
Special Grants under Bihar’s film promotion policy
The Deputy Chief Minister said Bihar is “also going to provide more grants than other states in the country” under the new policy. “We will provide grants up to ₹4 crore to filmmakers, while the maximum grant amount in any other state of the country is ₹2.5 crore,” he said.
He added, “…will provide grant up to 50 percent of the cost for films made in the regional languages of the state. In this policy, we have included grants for TV serials and OTT platforms.”
प्रेस विज्ञप्ति
— Vijay Kumar Sinha (@VijayKrSinhaBih) July 19, 2024
*देश की सबसे अद्यतन फिल्म नीति लेकर आया है बिहार* : विजय कुमार सिन्हा
*बिहार की प्रतिभा और पहचान को नया आयाम देगी फिल्म प्रोत्साहन नीति* : विजय कुमार सिन्हा
*बिहार को फिल्म निर्माण का सबसे आकर्षक गंतव्य बनाना सरकार की मंशा* : विजय कुमार सिन्हा
“We have also decided to give grants of up to ₹1 crore and ₹3 crore, respectively, for films made for the state. We will also give special grants for films made on stories and screenplays from the state and for giving work to artists from the state in films,” the Deputy CM said.
Besides, filmmakers will be able to avail special grants and incentives for films with more than 75 percent of shooting days in the state.
Source: msn
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