Controversial YouTuber Manish Kashyap turned himself up to the Bihar Police on Saturday morning. Upendra Nath Verma, the superintendent of police in Bettiah, provided this information. The last few days have seen ongoing raids on the hiding places of the accused by Patna and West Champaran police as well as six teams from the Economic Offenses Unit (EOU). In this instance, a YouTuber is accused of disseminating false information about the abuse of Bihar labourers in Tamil Nadu.
Reports state that Kashyap tweeted a “fake” video showing the attacks on migrant labourers from Tamil Nadu, which quickly gained popularity on social media. Nevertheless, the primary suspect Rakesh Ranjan Kumar, a resident of the Gopalganj area, produced the film in a rented space in Patna.
Also, seven criminal cases have been filed in Kashyap’s name. According to the report, Kashyap was detained following the Pulwama incident for assaulting Kashmiri vendors in Patna’s Lhasa market. Also, he has previously published a number of offensive community messages.
Manish Kashyap’s home in Mahna Dumri village, which is under the jurisdiction of Majhaulia police station, was entered by police administration teams on March 18, 2023, in order to seize it. The YouTuber turned himself into the authorities at Bettiah’s Jagdishpur police station out of fear.
The Bihar Economic Offenses Unit had already obtained an arrest warrant for Manish Kashyap from the court on Thursday. As soon as the search warrant was issued, raids were carried out often in Patna and Delhi, two likely places for the YouTuber. Several actions were taken against Kashyap.
In addition, Manish Kashyap’s bank account deposits have been frozen by the Bihar Police. These accounts have a combined deposit of Rs 42.11 lakh. According to the Bihar Police, deposits totalling Rs 3,37,496 have been made in his SBI account, Rs 51,069 in his IDFC Bank account, Rs 3,37,463 in his HDFC Bank account, and Rs 34,85,909 in the HDFC Bank account of the SACHTAK Foundation.
A noteworthy accusation against Manish Kashyap relates to the alleged attack on Bihari labourers residing in Tamil Nadu. In this instance, An FIR has been filed against him and Yuvraj Singh and his Twitter account have also been disabled. But, in the meanwhile, a new account (manishkashyap43) was set up in his name, and it was tweeted that he had been taken into custody by the Bihar Police.
2. उपरोक्त दोनों अभियुक्तों की गिरफ्तारी सुनिश्चित करने हेतु एक विशेष टीम का गठन किया गया है, जिसके द्वारा अन्य राज्यों में अभियुक्तों की गिरफ्तारी हेतु छापामारी की जा रही है। (2/7)
— Bihar Police (@bihar_police) March 15, 2023
Following this, the Bihar Police tweeted an explanation, making it clear that Manish and Yuvraj were not detained. The post was a hoax. For misleading people by disseminating reports of arrest, EOU filed FIR No. 5/23.
In Bihar’s West Champaran district, in the village of Dumri Mahanawa, Manish Kashyap was born on March 9, 1991. “Son of Bihar” is how he refers to himself. Tripurari Kumar Tiwari is the real name of Manish.
Tripurari aka Manish ran for office in Bihar’s Chanpatia assembly district in 2020 as an independent candidate. He identified himself as a candidate by the name of Tripurari Kumar Tiwari in the affidavit submitted to the Election Commission at the time of nomination. Madhu, his mother, is a housewife and his father Udit Kumar Tiwari served in the Indian Army.
Report By : DNA
Read More: Manish Kashyap was arrested in Bihar, Know full story in details