ChatGPT Plus subscription is now available in India, the chatbot’s creator, OpenAI, said in a tweet today. OpenAI launched a ChatGPT Plus subscription in February for $20 per month (roughly Rs 1,650). It promises “faster response speed” and “priority access to new features.” Additionally, users will be able to use the AI chatbot even if “demand is high.” While OpenAI says the subscription is available in India, it appears the company has not tweaked the price to cater to the Indian market. That means users will need to pay in USD per month to enjoy the benefits of the subscription.
Reacting to OpenAI’s tweet, the CEO of OpenAI, Sam Altman, said that the company “loves India.” OpenAI is also working with Indian social media firm Koo to help users compose content without a hassle. The feature is slowly rolling out.
Meanwhile, some users claim that, despite the availability of ChatGPT Plus subscription in India, the payment is not successful. It might be because of RBI norms that do not allow recurring subscriptions. A Twitter user (@swapcoolkarni) said that he has been trying to get a ChatGPT Plus subscription for the last “three-four” days, but the “card gets declined every single time.” Another user pointed out that a subscription for Indian customers is actually $23.60, which is roughly Rs 1,950. That’s because the government levies $3.60 (Rs 300) on foreign transactions.
Similarly, another user (@keerthanpg) said while reacting to Altman’s tweet “$23 is a lot of money in India. A chatbot that costs 1/17th of median monthly income is kinda expensive.”
ChatGPT Plus also lets users experience GPT-4, the new-gen LLM (large language model) that even analyse text inputs. However, if you want to experience GPT-4 technology for free, then Microsoft is offering an option. Recently, Microsoft announced that its Bing Chat or Bing AI is running on GPT-4 tech paired with some proprietary tech. Bing Chat is free to use in India, and it is also available in app form.
Bing Chat launched globally last month, but it was available to limited users. A new report states that Microsoft is rolling out Bing Chat to all users, and it is free to use. To use Bing Chat, open Bing search on any browser and look for the Chat option on the top left. Join the wishlist and login with your Microsoft account. The company redirects you to use the Edge browser if you’re on Chrome or any other browser. Once you open Edge, Bing Chat, powered by GPT-4, will be available.
OpenAI’s ChatGPT Plus subscription launches in India | ChatGPT Plus subscription now available in India: Price, benefits and all details