Anand Mahindra recently tweeted about a newly launched restaurant in Goa. Many reacted to this tweet, expressing their excitement about checking out the restaurant. Some even described it as ‘heavenly’ and ‘stunning’. However, one comment that was not related to the restaurant caught the businessman’s attention. In it, the person sought monetary help from the industrialist to buy the shares of his company. As expected, Mahindra responded with a witty reply that got the Internet talking.
“Sir, mujhe 1 lakh rs chahiye Mahindra ka share kharidne ke liye [Sir, I need ₹1 lakh to buy Mahindra shares],” commented the X user.
To this, Mahindra replied, “What an idea, sir ji. Aapki himmat ke liye taaliyan! Poochne mein kya jaata hai? [Applause for your courage! What’s there to lose in asking?]”
“Kya pata saamne wala kisi din mood me ho aur maan hi jaye [What if the person is in a good mood and just agree],” posted an individual. Another added, “That’s brave.” “Awesome. Next level confidence,” exclaimed a third. A fourth wrote, “This is epic.” “So much to learn from you, sir, even through the tweets,” expressed a fifth. A sixth joined, “Good one! Like the humour. Something that is missing badly nowadays.” “If you don’t ask, the answer is always no!” remarked a seventh.
source by: Hindustan Times News
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