The Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA) recently announced on Wednesday, November 15, 2023, that it has not banned hijab for the recruitment exams that are set to be conducted on November 18, 2023 and November 19, 2023.
After facing criticism and opposition from various sections, Karnataka Examination Authority has decided to permit the candidates to wear hijab in the exam centre if they wish to do so.
The KEA had released guidelines for the exam that included the rules for dress code that mentioned ‘wearing any garment or cap that covers head, mouth or ears will not be allowed’ inside the examination centre, as a measure to avoid malpractices during exam.
It is mandatory for the candidates to arrive at the exam centre two hours prior to the scheduled time to facilitate thorough frisking to ensure fair conduct of exams.
“The dress code prescribed for the coming recruitment examination is not new. Earlier also, there was no restriction on hijab. However, there was a restriction on wearing some garments or caps that cover the head, mouth, or ears unnecessarily. We are following the same dress code. It does not pertain to hijab,” revealed Dr M C Sudhakar, Karnataka Higher Education Minister, as per The Indian Express.
After the case of malpractice using Bluetooth during the exams by the students came to light, a meeting was chaired with the police department, where it was decided that the time allotted for frisking will be extended from one to two hours.
However, right-wing groups claimed that this decision violates the order passed by Karnataka High Court and have threatened to stage a protest on the decision of KEA to allow candidates to wear hijabs.
source by: FPJ News
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