Tamil Nadu minister Udhayanidhi Stalin stoked the Sanatan controversy afresh as he said on Wednesday that President Droupadi Murmu was not invited to the new Parliament building but some ‘Hindi actors’ were because Murmu is from a tribal community and a widow. “This is what we call Sanatan Dharma,” Udhayanidhi said after his parallel between Sanatan Dharma and dengue, malaria triggered a major political controversy inviting flak from PM Modi himself. The opposition INDIA bloc too distanced itself from the Sanatan controversy and Tamil Nadu chief minister Stalin cautioned DMK members to steer clear of the row.
VIDEO | "Yesterday, some Hindi actors came and visited the new Parliament but our President was not invited. Why? Because Droupadi Murmu is from a tribal community. This is what we call 'Sanatan Dharma'," Tamil Nadu minister @Udhaystalin said at a meeting of DMK Youth Wing in… pic.twitter.com/K4JtYWNyz1
— Press Trust of India (@PTI_News) September 20, 2023
Earlier too, Udhayanidhi cited Droupadi Murmu’s example and said she was not invited to the inauguration of the new Parliament building because she is a tribal. His Sanatan like dengue, malaria comment was against caste-based society and not against Hindu religion, he asserted.