SBI invites applications for 107 vacancies for Armourers and Control Room Operators. Application process starts on September 6.
The State Bank Of India (SBI) has invited applications for 107 for the post of Armourers (Reserved for Ex-servicemen /Ex-CAPF/AR only) and control Room Operators in the Clerical Cadre (Reserved for Ex-servicemen/ State Fire Service Personnel/Ex-CAPF/AR. The application process will commence on September 6 and the deadline for the submission of the application form is October 10.
SBI recruitment 2023 vacancy details: This recruitment drive is being conducted to fill 107 vacancies of which 89 vacancies are for the post of Control Room Operator in the Clerical Cadre and 18 vacancies are for the post of Armourers.
SBI recruitment 2023 selection process: The selection process comprises of online test of 100 marks and an interview of 25 marks. The written tests will be held online. The online written test will be conducted tentatively in November/December 2023.

SBI recruitment 2023 age limit: The minimum age of the candidates should be 20 years and the maximum age of the candidates should be 45 years for the post of Armourer. For the post of Control Room Operators, the minimum age of the candidates should be 20 years and the maximum age should be 48 years for Ex-servicemen/ Ex-CAPF/AR and 35 years for State Fire Service Personnel.
SBI recruitment 2023 application fee: Candidates are not required to pay the application fee.
SBI recruitment 2023: Know how to apply
Visit the official site of SBI on
On the homepage, click on the career tab
A new page will open where candidates will have to click on the “Recruitment for the Post of Armourers (Reserved for Ex-servicemen /Ex-CAPF/AR only) & Control Room Operators in the Clerical Cadre (Reserved for Ex-servicemen/ State Fire Service Personnel/Ex-CAPF/AR only)ADVERTISEMENT NO: CRPD/ARMOURERS/2023-24/13”
Enter the login details or registration details.
Fill in the application form and upload the documents.
Submit the application form
Keep a hard copy of the same for further need.

Source – Hindustan Times
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