Satish Kumar IPS, the Deputy Commissioner of Police (Crime Branch in Delhi) has narrated the ordeal he and his fellow passengers onboard an IndiGo flight from Ayodhya had to face after it was diverted to Chandigarh due to bad weather in the national capital.
In a social media post, the senior police officer said, he was on IndiGo flight no. 6E2702 from Ayodhya to Delhi, on Saturday.
Unable to land in Delhi Airport
The flight was scheduled to depart from Ayodhya at 3:25 pm. and land in Delhi at 4:30 pm.
However, just fifteen minutes before the scheduled arrival time in the national capital, at around 4:15 pm, the pilot announced that there was bad weather at Delhi Airport, but assured passengers that the plane had 45 minutes of holding fuel.
Flight diverted to Chandigarh
Had a harrowing experience yesterday with @IndiGo6E Flight No. 6E2702 from Ayodhya to Delhi. Scheduled departure time 3:25 p.m. and schedule arrival time 4:30 p.m.
— Satish Kumar (@CopSatish499) April 14, 2024
Around 4:15 p.m. the pilot announced that there’s bad weather at @DelhiAirport. and assured that the plane has 45…
According to the officer, the pilot attempted landing twice, but couldn’t due to bad weather and only at around 5:30 pm announced that the flight was attempting to land at Chandigarh.
This was made 75 minutes after the Holding fuel announcement and by this time, a lot of passengers and one of the crew staff started puking out of panic.
Landed just on time
The ordeal for the passengers ended at 6:10 when the flight landed at Chandigarh Airport after a lapse of 115 minutes since the 45-minute Holding fuel announcement.
He also claimed that he got to know from the crew that the flight had landed in the nick of time with only 1 or 2 minutes of fuel left.
Flight had sufficient fuel: IndiGo
However, after the post went viral, IndiGo on Monday issued a statement saying that the flight had sufficient fuel at all times to divert to an alternate airport, as per regulations.
“IndiGo flight 6E 2702 operating between Ayodhya and Delhi on April 13 was diverted to Chandigarh due to bad weather in Delhi. The captain executed a go-around which is in line with the standard operating procedure. The aircraft had sufficient fuel at all times to divert to an alternate airport, as per regulations,” an IndiGo spokesperson said.
source by : India Times