Lucknow. Senior advocate Kapil Sibal filed his nomination for the Rajya Sabha elections from Uttar Pradesh. Kapil Sibal, along with Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav, reached the Tandon Hall located in the Legislature Complex in Lucknow on Wednesday. During this, senior SP leader and Rajya Sabha member Ram Gopal Yadav was also present with him. There Sibal filed his nomination for the Rajya Sabha elections in the presence of both of them. After filing his nomination for the Rajya Sabha elections, Kapil Sibal while addressing the media said, 'Today I have filed my nomination as an independent candidate. I would like to thank Akhilesh Yadav, Azam Khan and Professor Ram Gopal Yadav, who helped me last time as well. I am no longer a senior leader of Congress. I have resigned from Congress on 16th May. I will continue to raise the voice of UP in Rajya Sabha without any party. I will continue to be a voice in the house against every injustice. At the same time, Akhilesh Yadav said about this that Kapil Sibal is going to Rajya Sabha with the support of SP. Two more people can be sent to the (Upper) House. Kapil Sibal is a senior advocate. He has also expressed his opinion well in the Parliament. We hope that he will keep the SP and his side very well. It is being considered as a big reward by the Samajwadi Party to Sibal. He is Azam Khan's lawyer in the Supreme Court. Khan had said earlier on Tuesday that he would be most happy if the party sends him to the Rajya Sabha. Let us tell you that in the upcoming Rajya Sabha elections, three seats are coming in the quota of SP. However, when asked about this, Akhilesh said that in a while it will be known who is being sent to the Rajya Sabha. Actually there is news that along with Kapil Sibal, the party will make Dimple Yadav and Javed Ali Khan as Rajya Sabha candidates. Javed Ali Khan is considered the special of Professor Ramgopal Yadav. This will be his second term in the Rajya Sabha. Even before this he has been a member of Rajya Sabha.
Lucknow | I'll not say anything about Congress. I've resigned, so it's not appropriate for me to say anything about Congress. It's not easy to leave a relationship of 30-31 years: Kapil Sibal after filling nomination of Rajya Sabha with the support of the Samajwadi Party
— ANI (@ANI) May 25, 2022